MTV “Joonas.Net Apparently Has Nothing To Do With The Jonas Brothers”

National Post “Have you ever wondered what life as a web server is like? When you visit Joonas.net you will hear the tale of a depressed web server.”

Everything Pop Kulture “The most popular website today is a silly one called Joonas.net. When the page opens, you just get a small box with words typing across it, which is supposed to be the server talking to you...”

International Business Times “joonas.net takes you to a blank white space where you see a small text box on the top that starts off by saying “The requested document is totally fake.” It then talks directly to you as a “depressed web server.””

Associated Content “Joonas.net is a website that doesn't exist. At least that is what the website tries to tell you. The title of the page is "File not found!" and the first line on the otherwise blank white page is "The requested document is totally fake."”

ShowHype “I can tell you about Joonas the depressed web server, but you'd be better off just talking to him yourself. ”

A11News “The website Joonas.net, seen in the screenshot below, offers up the tale of a depressed and lonely web server pondering its fate after failing to serve up a requested document.”

Manolith “Joonas.net is probably one of the weirdest websites I’ve ever visited, but it seems to be the most popular thing on the web right now.”

Mahalo “Joonas.net is a single serving site which features the rantings of a depressed web server, displayed in a simple white text box.”

Urlesque “I can tell you about Joonas the depressed web server, but you'd be better off just talking to him yourself. He's a little down on himself and we're sure he'd appreciate the company. Here he is talking about the frustrations of trying to serve websites that don't exist.”

The Composed Gentleman “Joonas.net is a simple website. It might amuse and interest you on your first visit because you would want to know what Joonas.net is talking about.”

HubPages “Joonas.net - the weirdest website or something of interests?”

Tech.Spreadit.org “Joonas.net is a very strange website where visitors see a blank box (pictured above),after few seconds the following text...”

Free Chicken Wings “As the Google Trends whore I've become, I'm always investigating any site that becomes a hot search -- especially if I've never head of it.”

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